When Life Irritates You

Beauty requires irritation…

Life gets under our skin, situations and people get on our nerves, and into every life some irritation will come. Your beautification requires irritation.  I know that sounds off but the truth is, we all have rough edges, blind spots, areas that need to be dealt with, and irritants can give us just what our beauty ordered.

Most of the time, your irritant is on assignment and most of the time they don’t even know it.  Now, let me just be clear, there are harmful irritants and there are helpful irritants. I’m talking about helpful irritants. The kind that make us examine ourselves and help us to change for the better.

A harmful irritant is destructive and unhealthy. This is an irritant that is usually demonic and is on assignment to kill, steal and destroy.

A healthy irritant is usually somebody you love enough to accept the truth, accept when you’re wrong and love enough to change when change is necessary. A healthy irritant won’t go along with everything you say, they don’t agree with your every opinion, they challenge what they don’t understand and they don’t care if you don’t like it.

A healthy irritant is good for your beauty. It helps to correct what needs to be corrected and it perfects what needs to be perfected. Healthy irritants are an agent for your good.

Put This In Your Spirit: The bible says, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it” (Hebrews 12:11).  In other words, no irritation, no beautification.

We all need somebody who challenges us to think better, to care better, to grow better but that person, despite their benefit to us, will feel like an irritant until we appreciate their purpose.  

A pearl is beautiful when you see it in the store but did you know that a pearl gets its beauty from irritation?  Natural Pearls form when an irritant works its way into an oyster, mussel, or clam. As a defense mechanism, they release a fluid to coat the irritant. Layer upon layer of this coating, called ‘nacre’, is deposited until a beautiful pearl is formed.

If you are blessed, your irritant is also your mate.  If you get this, you might understand why the person you love to life is the same person who can irritate you the most.  You don’t know you love somebody to the moon and back until you have to love them even when you don’t like them. If you have a healthy irritant for a mate, thank God for them and let them do their work — irritation comes when irritation is necessary.

Your healthy irritant is God’s gift to you.  You know they’re a healthy irritant because you know they don’t tell you anything wrong, they don’t tell your business, they don’t go along with your mess and they hold you accountable.  They don’t make you feel small, they hold you accountable to being the best you.

Everybody does not have the will or the tolerance to handle their irritant.  But trust this, every person who does not have a healthy irritant in their life to do the Lords disciplining, has to go through more repeated cycles of hell than most. 

Your irritant is your divine beauty agent sent to help you to think, shine and to be your best.

We glow better when we know better.  Thank God for your irritant!

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