The wrong people prefer the old you…
The more you find yourself, your voice, your courage and your boundaries, the more people you’re going to lose. It’s crazy but its true.
Change always reveals what people loved about us.
Your improvements will always be disappointing to people who loved the old you for the wrong reasons. Your growth and anointed development will always create new boundaries that will cause those who mishandle and take you for granted, to resent you. How dare you wake up!
I don’t know who this is for but you need to know that there are always people in our life that I call “Level Lovers.” These are people who love you based on the level you’re on — or not on, in your life. Lower level lovers like you because you’re still not demanding the best for you, what’s right for you and what God promised you.
As soon on you change, grow, make improvements for your self-care, level lovers will get offended.
The Bible declares, “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm” (Proverbs 13:20). As you grow, pray attention to folks who get angry when you get better, smarter, wiser, committed to self-care and serious about healthy boundaries. Those people are usually your level lovers and more than likely, the people whose time is up.
Word to be wise about…You have to lean to be OK with outgrowing people if you’re going to keep growing. If they can’t grow with you they can’t go with you to your next level.

Walking With Victims and Survivors of Domestic Abuse
We see you. We hear you. We Believe you. Let us walk with you. Whether emergency financial support, 24/7 access to meaningful information and resources, The Exodus Project is on a mission to be an instrument of God’s love for victims and survivors of domestic abuse.
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