Patrick Weaver is global faith leader, author and mindset coach dedicated to helping people from all walks of life and backgrounds harness the power of faith to conquer in life and create fulfilling relationships.

Channeling his personal experiences with abuse, failures and successes personally and professionally, his voice strikes both a spiritual and a radically practical chord, making his transformational message accessible and relatable to people from all walks of life. Patrick’s inspirational and empowering messages reach millions of people across his online and social media platforms.

Regarded as one of the most influential and impactful evangelists for change, his bold, life-giving teaching fearlessly wrestles with the realities of life, and intentionally focuses on the whole person – the complex mixture of spiritual, physical, social, mental and emotional components that make us human. Encapsulating energy and emotion that is common to us all, he uses his distinct expression and unique style of translating the human experience to give voice to every feeling.

Patrick is an outspoken advocate and a leader in the fight against domestic abuse and is dedicated to shifting mindsets and amplifying the voices of abuse victims. Patrick’s empowering advocacy is rooted in his lived experiences as a child, and his tireless defense and compassionate support of abuse victims inspire and mobilize a global community to create real change.

Through The Exodus Project, we’ve imagined a better future for individuals and their children impacted by intimate partner abuse, and we are bringing it to life in three strategic ways: Mobilizing Community, Breaking Down Barriers and Bridging The Gap for victims and survivors of intimate partner abuse. To learn more about our life-giving advocacy and resources for abuse victims, visit The Exodus Project by Clicking Here.


help Save Lives

We are on a mission to be an instrument of God’s love for victims of domestic abuse and we need your help. Whether emergency financial support, education and resources, or reform efforts, The Exodus Project is dedicated to assisting victims of Domestic Abuse find hope, freedom and healing.

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Emergency Grants

Up to $7,500
Per Individual

Resources & Education

support 24/7


Shifting Mindsets, Safe Churches, Legal Reform