Letting Go To Live

Self-care relentlessly pursues wellbeing…


All of us at one time or another have experienced a relationship, a person and even a time that we have since been removed from physically but struggle to be free from emotionally.

Emotional freedom can come at a price. We can move, we can walk away, we can delete phone numbers and block people on social media but for anybody who has ever had to break free from an unhealthy or nagging emotional connection, you know that freedom is not always free.

To make matters worse, the enemy will use our past to tempt us into abusing our own mind. Literally turning us against our wellbeing and making us active participants in our own emotional torment.

Emotional freedom will cost you…hard work, unwavering commitment and relentless determination. Letting go to live is the price of wholeness, self-care and self-love.

To know that we need healing and to know what we must do to heal are as different as night and day. In other words, knowing you don’t feel well and knowing what you need to do in order to feel better or to heal, are two different things. And just as important, knowing what to do and doing it is the difference between living with the past and letting go of the past.

Why do we hold on? Why is it so hard for us to sometimes let go of people who are no longer in our life? That is going to be different for everybody but the common denominator for all of us when we struggle to let go of people who are no longer in our life and particularly, people who don’t belong in our life, is us. We are the common denominator — something unhealthy in us is causing us to hold on to something unhealthy to us.

Emotional healing always starts with acknowledgement of our root. Not the limbs or the leaves on the tree but the root.

The root is what’s in us, the limbs and the leaves (thoughts, desires, emotions and behavior) are what grow from our root.

The bible says, renewing our mind is the way to our highest and best self. Renewing or healing our mind is self-work. When somebody is no longer in our life, they aren’t the issue, we’re the issue. I know that doesn’t make it less difficult but it makes the problem more solvable.

When somebody is already gone, already out, no longer has control over your life, your peace or your promise…when God already removed them, rescued you and yet, you can’t let what’s not good to or for you go — that’s not because of them, that’s because of an emotional root beloved. If you don’t dig up that root, they will live in your head rent free. You won’t even be able to praise God without disruptive thought about them in your head.

This history demon will even cause some to log on to social media to sneak over to their history relationship’s page to see what they’re doing or who they’re talking to. And if you didn’t, you thought about it. That’s what a history demon will do — keep us tripping over history.

I know, I know, some of you have children with your history but put this in your spirit…unless you have unfinished business, an “entanglement” or an unacknowledged desire to be in a relationship with them, you don’t have any business letting your history relationship keep you in emotional bondage. If it’s not about the kids, tell yourself it’s not about anything that you should be interested in or emotionally controlled by.

If we plan on healing from the past, growing past the past, we have to put the past in the past — through a commitment to our self-care, happiness and living our best life…and to doing the work to renew our mind.

Until now, you’ve been in the passenger seat of a car that is being driven by a history demon. Taking you where ever it wants to take you — mentally and emotionally. But now that you know that the root and the reason is in you, you have the power to take your life back.

James 1:13-15, tells us that a demon, a history demon, tempts us with our own evil desires — our root: “When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”

That history demon drags us away by our root beloved. It’s not about them, it’s about digging up our root so that our thoughts and emotions don’t tempt us to be dragged away. Digging up roots aren’t always easy, it’s not always cute, and it can sometimes require outside help — in addition to prayer, to develop the tools and skills to dig up a root. But what you cannot do is be a victim in your own story — being drug away mentally and emotionally, at will, by a history demon.

God has a plan for your life. A redo and restoration. Sometimes, we have to check ourselves when we keep taking our eyes off our destiny to focus on our history. Yesterday, yester-them, is history. Don’t play with history demons…they only have one purpose — to delay your destiny.