Don’t Cry Over Spilled Demons

You will find out that some people are going to leave you because they can’t handle the anointing on your life. 
But that’s not why they get irritated with you, that’s not the reason they will say they can’t deal with you. They call it something else, they use a common phrase that frustrated demons use…
They call it, “You‘re too difficult.” In other words, you’re too hard to love.
Listen, a user demon, an abuser demon or a take for granted demon won’t get along with anointed boundaries. They won’t get along with you when you know your worth, believe in your value and stand on God’s promises for your life.
You are not too hard to love, you are too strong to be mishandled, unloved or to accept emotional crumbs. When you don’t cooperate with a demon, when you won’t tolerate behavior that does not agree with your Savior, a demon will accuse you of being too hard to love. What they really mean is, you’re not easy to mistreat.
When a demon figures out that they can’t abuse you, a demon will get frustrated and make the person he’s using leave you…to go find a willing victim.
Don’t trip, don’t cry over spilled demons. When a demon leaves your life, that’s not a loss, that’s a win. Your love is not meant for demons — abusers and users. What a demon can’t handle, the right one is praying for.
Stay in the race, the right one is coming!